Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Radio Is Intolerable

How in the hell can anyone stand to listen to a radio station these days? Honestly. I don't know if radio has gotten worse or I'm just becoming a nasty curmudgeon in my old age. It's probably both so let's just focus on the stuff that doesn't implicate me.

First of all, the commercials. I realize they have to pay their bills, but come on, there's way too much. It seems like the commercials to content ratio is 50/50 these days. It feels like a chore you have to endure in order to get a little content.

Second, music stations suck because most of the music they play sucks, it's the same crap we've heard a thousand times before, there's no original thought behind any of it.

So the only radio I find remotely tolerable is talk radio, or at least, news radio. Give me some information.

But even that is completely overrun with commercials. You get 5 minutes of talk, then five minutes of obnoxious commercials.  And yet, I understand that without commercials, the stations can't operate. So getting a TiVo for the radio won't help, because if people start skipping commercials, advertisers will probably stop advertising.

What to do? If I was running a radio station, I'd have more commercials. Yeah, that sounds contradictory, but hear me out.  I'd have more commercials but they would be SHORTER.  Much shorter, and only one at a time. Each one would be a maximum of 30 seconds long.  So you would barely notice the interruption, even though the interruption would be coming every couple of minutes.

I can live with commercials if they are really short.  But five to ten minute blocks? Forget it.

Until the stations figure this out, I'll just listen to podcasts.

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